How We Fix Debilitating Knee & Joint Pain With Our No-Needle Regenerative Reset Method

Even If You’ve Tried Everything & Nothing Has Worked or Lasted


Are you suffering from knee pain? Do you have a new or chronic injury that's made it difficult or impossible to stay active and do the things that you love? If your knee is bone on bone, has a partial tear, or you have degenerative arthritis, you've likely been led to believe that your only treatment options are more physical therapy, cortisone injections, or worse, risky surgery.

The Problem with OUTDATED Traditional Treatments

Cortisone injections, although commonly recommended, are not FDA approved for knee regeneration and have been shown to degenerate WHAT healthy tissue you may have left and will potentially lead to a surgery. Physical therapy, while beneficial, often falls short for severe cases. Surgery, on the other hand, carries risks and long recovery times, leaving patients searching for a better solution.

A New Approach to Knee Pain Relief

I'm Dr. Alan Nathans, and I've developed a world-class knee restoration protocol that utilizes new and effective FDA-cleared joint regeneration technology. This advanced treatment activates your body's own resident stem cells, stops pain, and promotes the growth of new blood vessels and connective tissue, providing a natural and sustainable healing process.

The K.N.E.E.S Reset Method

The K.N.E.E.S Reset Method is designed to provide a modern, holistic, non-invasive solution to knee pain and other knee-related issues. This method integrates various advanced FDA-cleared treatments and personalized care to restore knee health, enhance overall well-being, and, most importantly, keep you active - helping you to avoid assisted living centers and nursing homes.

K - Knee Decompression

Objective: Relieve knee joint pressure to enhance joint health and reduce pain.
-ErgoFlex Knee Decompression Therapy: Gentle stretching of the knee joint to create negative pressure, which helps to alleviate pressure on the knee structures and improve joint space.

-Customized Treatment Plans: Personalized sessions based on comprehensive history taking, examination, and the severity and location of knee pain.
Benefit: Alleviates pain, enhances nutrient flow to knee joints, and promotes healing, allowing the patient to regain an active, healthy life.

N - Nutritional Joint Therapies

Objective: Support knee joint health and overall wellness through nutrition.

-Nutritional Supplements: Tailored supplements to support bone and tissue repair along with joint hydration.
-Dietary Guidance: Targeted nutritional roadmap to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Benefit: Provides essential nutrients for joint health and reduces inflammation.

E - Enhanced Laser Therapy

Objective: Reduce inflammation and pain while promoting tissue repair through advanced laser technology.

-MedRay Dual Class 4 Laser**: Using high-powered laser therapy to penetrate deep into the knee tissues, stimulating cellular repair and reducing inflammation.
-Non-Invasive Treatment**: Safe and effective sessions without the need for surgery or injections.

Benefit: Reduces pain and inflammation, accelerates healing, and improves overall knee function.

E - Hydro-ELECTRIC Tissue Regeneration (SoftWave)

Objective: Stimulate tissue regeneration and reduce inflammation through stem cell activation.

-SoftWave Therapy: Using hydro-electric acoustic waves to target chronically damaged tissues and promote cellular repair. This process reduces inflammation, grows a new network of blood vessels, and activates stem cells to grow new connective tissue to support the degenerated knee.
-Non-Invasive Treatment: Safe and effective sessions without the need for surgery or injections.

Benefit: Growth of new blood vessels, accelerates healing, reduces pain, promotes the growth of new connective tissue, and increases range of motion and activity.

S - Specific Chiropractic Care

Objective: Address spinal and pelvic misalignment that puts strain, pressure, or imbalance into the kinetic chain affecting the knees. Identify these issues through a detailed exam and X-rays of the spine.

-Precise Chiropractic Adjustments**: Utilizing specific techniques tailored to each patient’s unique spinal condition.
-Regular Evaluations**: Frequent assessments to ensure spinal alignment is maintained and improved.

Benefit: Restores proper alignment, reducing nerve interference and promoting natural healing, ultimately allowing patients to thrive in longevity and return to activities they love, such as family time, travel, and sports.

Embrace Longevity with the 100-Year Lifestyle

At the heart of the K.N.E.E.S Reset Method is the philosophy of embracing a 100-year lifestyle. Our approach is not just about treating current issues but fostering habits and health practices that contribute to a lifetime of wellness. By proactively managing your knee health and overall well-being, you can lead a more active, fulfilling life well into your later years.

Take the First Step Towards a Pain-Free Life

Schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards a pain-free life with our advanced regenerative therapies. Let us help you restore your knees and enhance your overall well-being. Reconnect with your social circles, travel without the fear of pain, and live a fulfilling life free from the constraints of chronic pain.


Our mission is to offer accessible, no-needle regenerative solutions for chronic health issues, moving beyond the limitations of traditional medicine. We aim to liberate one million people from dependence on medications, injections, and surgeries, guiding them towards a life of longevity. This aligns with our vision of embracing the 100-year lifestyle concept, promoting a healthier, more sustainable approach to wellness.

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